Santaguida Community Weblog


Posted by Vincenzo on 02/09/08

Hello fellow Santaguida Community members and visitors. I would like to start by introducing myself. I am Vince(Enzo) Santaguida. My actual name is Vincenzo but most people refer to me as Vince or Vincent; however I am happy simply with Enzo. My family and the majority of the Santaguidas that I know come from or near a small village called Vallelonga, CZ Italy. 

As it relates to this website: this is my second attempt at creating a web-site for the Santaguida Community. The original site was deployed in 2006 but I was not extremely happy with it because it required registration to enter the site. This time I would like to make it more open and most importantly to ultimately make it possible for you to actively contribute content to the site. By content I mean photos, announcements, ancestry and for those of you that have businesses - let you include your business card info on this site.

I feel that as a Santaguida community it is important to connect and support each other and this is a vehicle that can help facillitate that. At this time I am doing everything mostly alone with some assistance from my company staff at MultiCIM Technologies Inc. ( If you visit the site you will notice that we are a software company and building websites is not really a strategic part of our business or revenue. This site is actually being financed by myself and my company but the intention is to keep all services free especially for Santaguida Community members.

In a sense you are all my extended family and the Santaguida tradition is that we do everything possible to support family; therefore, I sincerely hope that you will all derive benefits and pleasure from this website and visit us frequently.

Thank you for your patience! Ciao for now!